Course Materials Buy course material

Editable IT training courseware

High quality editable electronic course materials for IT trainers

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Welcome to The Courseware Shop

Each of our titles include unlimited reprinting rights, unlimited number of users, unlimited number of installations and unlimited rights to edit and customize the content.

Our Premium Courseware and Packages

office 2007 coursewareFrom courseware for Microsoft Office 2007 and Office 2003, to Java technologies and technical & programming training packages, these course materials range from introduction level to advanced level. To search our premium courseware, click here. Buying full training packages saves you money - prices for packages start from just £75. The training material can be printed or installed as many times as you wish and can be customised with your own logos and contact details.


Application Courseware

teaching materialsSeach for and buy training manuals for single courses here. Prices for current courseware start from £35. Titles include Microsoft Office applications, Dreamweaver, Vista, Windows 7, Internet Explorer and many more. All courses have been written, tried, tested and regularly used by IT trainers throughout the world. Have a look for our archive courses at bargain prices.

Technical and Programming Training Material

We have high quality programming and technical training courseware, including Java programming, C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, HTML, XML, ASP,, and more. We also have a programming and technical courseware package and Java technologies coureware package. Click here to search technical course materials.

If there are any particular courses you need training materials for, please get in touch and we will send you course outlines and samples for you to evaluate. We are happy to provide any help or support you may need after purchasing any if our products and always work hard to keep our customers delighted.