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About The Courseware Shop

The Courseware Shop has been established since 2003 is dedicated to providing the very best quality courseware in electronic format within the same price band as hard copies supplied by our competitors. We write and publish courseware titles in house and we occasionally buy in titles. We never resell on behalf of other authors and are not simply a publishing organisation. We are accountable for our courseware and we are an approachable company who are always willing to answer questions. All courses are supplied complete with the appropriate student exercises and sample files, along with a course overview.

Our reputation

We work hard to keep our keep our customers happy and continually improve our service. The Courseware Shop has supplied courseware to:

Sheffield University (UK)
Salford University (UK)
Portland Building Society (UK)
Nestle UK (UK)
Parity Training (UK)
QA Training (UK)

Scarlet Training (Scotland)
Wiltshire County Council (UK)
Drake and Scull Engineering (UK)
PalmTeach (UK)
UN Education Foundation (Ethiopia)
General Physics (Canada)

Verhoef Training (UK)
Intuition Training (UK)
HM Customs and Excise (UK)
Brewin Dolphin Securities (UK)
and many more, in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada and Europe.

"We run a range of courses using TCS courseware. The courseware is very comprehensive and excellent value for money" ELAINE PASK, COMMERCIAL TRAINING BUSINESS UNIT, SOUTH DEVON COLLEGE, UK.

"I am really impressed with the courses.  When we upgrade again, I will be sure to check your internet site out first and I will recommend that we go with you again" ANGIE McCALLA, ALBERTA GAMING COMMISSION, GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA, CANADA

Restrictions on use of courseware

Courseware bought on this site is subject to certain terms and conditions. In particular, courseware bought on this site may not be resold, although you may edit, add contact details and branding and distribute to your own staff, students or deligates. For further information, please see here. and are part of Iconworks.


Please send any questions, concerns or comments you have about business, site or courseware here