Programming with C Courseware
The Courseware Shop offers Programming with C courseware, as follows:
Programming with C Introduction: Three Day Course
Our Programming with C courseware is designed for training delegates at the beginner level, who wants to develop programming with C language. Delegates should have an understanding of basic Programming Concepts or experience in another computer programming language or general programming techniques
- Understanding C Structure, Uses, Steps for writting C programming.
- Get to know about Data types, Constants and Variables.
- Understanding Statements, Expressions and Operator.
- Usage of all types of Control statements.
- Understanding the concepts of array, Single-dimentional array and Multi-dimentional array.
- Learn about data input and output: getchar, putchar, gets, puts, scanf, printf.
- Understanding functions, Structures and Union indepth.
- Know about opening, closing and using a file.
Courseware Content
1. Introduction to C programming Introduction C Compiler or C Interpreter Structure of a C program Header files Uses of C Steps for C Development Cycle First C Program Exercise 1:1: Simple C program |
2. Elements of C language |
3. Operators |
4. Control Structures |
5. Arrays |
6. Data Input and Output & Functions |
7. Pointers, Structures and Unions |
8. Datafiles |
9. Exercises and Solutions |
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