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Visual Basic 6 Introduction Courseware

The Courseware Shop offers Visual Basic 6 Introduction courseware, as follows:

Visual Basic 6 Introduction: Five Day Course

Our Visual Basic 6 Introduction courseware is designed to go from the fundamentals of VB programming to the threshold of Advanced level. Gaining in depth programming and developer skills. A range of lab exercises reinforce the featured VB language aspects. The course is aimed at potential VB programmers or those wishing to customise or make applications using the Visual Basic language. Prior knowledge of Visual Basic or any other programming language is not essential. However, delegates ought to have some clue about programming methods and have had some exposure to basic VB code (for example application macros in VBA).


Courseware Content

M1: Introduction
Visual Basic Overview
VB Start Up
Stopping VB
VB 6.0 Features
VB 6.0 and Internet Integration
WIN 32 API and VB 6.0
Visual Basic Development Environment
Visual Basic IDE Elements
Visual Basic File Types
Visual Basic Standard Menu Bar
Our First Visual Basic 6.0 Application

M2: Understanding Visual Basic Development
Understanding Event Driven Programming
Working with Objects and Classes
Using an Object’s Methods, Properties and Events
Adding a menu using the Menu Editor
Writing Code
Data Types 9
Variables and Constants
Program Structures
Input Box and Message Box
Sample Application that uses Class Modules

M3: Intrinsic Controls
Picture Box                                           
Label Control
Text Box
Command Button
List Box
Combo Box
Image Control
Line and Shape Control
Timer Control
Drive, Directory and File List Box
Scroll Bar
Option Button
Check Box
Data Control

Sample VB Exercises (35 in total)

M5:  MDI (Multiple Document Interface)
Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) Applications
Using MDI in Visual Basic
Set the Properties
Create a Menu

M6: Visual Data Manager
The Data Manager Program
Create a Database
A Database with a One to Many Link
Set the Key Fields
Set the Relationship

M7: Data Base Development in Visual Basic
Data Access Programming Models
Data Access Choices
Working with data files
Accessing ODBC databases
Connecting to Remote Data Source
Open Connection Method
Retrieving Remote Data
Data Integrity
Microsoft Jet Database Engine Locking
Performance issues

M8: Example Data Base Programs in Visual Basic
Using Data Access Objects
Exploring ActiveX Data Bound Controls
Programming with RDC and RDO
Connecting to ODBC Data Source Using Data Control
Creating a Data Entry Form
Using DBCombo Control
Using the Validate Event
Creating and Navigating a Record Set
Adding and Editing Records
Finding Records
Disabling Buttons during Exit
Using a Parameter Query
Handling Referential Integrity Violations
Multi User Issues
Using ODBC Direct

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Only £35

Our Technical & Programming Courseware Package

Our Technical & Programming Courseware Package includes Visual Basic 6 Introduction and is available at a greatly reduce price to purchasing courseware seperately. Click here for more details of this package.

Other relevent Courseware

Visual Basic 6 Advanced

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'Microsoft', 'Access' and 'Visual Basic' are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Courseware and training material offered at The Courseware Shop is in no way approved by, endorsed by or connected to Microsoft Corporation.