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The Courseware Shop
Courseware for HTML Programming Fundamentals

Our HTML Programming Courseware

The Courseware Shop offers HTML programming courseware, as follows:

HTML 4 Programming Fundamentals One Day Course


To give an introduction to HTML Programming to delegates new to programming and/or new to HTML code. The course gives a wide introduction to design and functionality issues as well as hard coding

Aimed at

Web designers or those wishing to become web designers. This course will give a good grounding in the use of HTML code in day to day web page design. It will suit designers with a background in the WYSIWYG applications as well, such as Dreamweaver, FrontPage, etc and allow them to expand their use of such applications.

Experience Needed

Delegates should have a basic understanding of the Internet and know how to browse web pages. Any Windows operating systems is essential. No programming knowledge is required.

Courseware Content

1:Introduction to HTML
What is HTML?
HTML Terms
Your Web Browser
Document Style Considerations
Good Practices
Organization through outlining
Design Goals
Headers and footers


2: HTML Structure
HTML Code Basics
Basic Page Tags
The BODY Tag
Colours in HTML Programming
Using Colour in HTML
Appendix; All HTML 4.0 Tags

3: Designing and Creating Pages with HTML
Essential Items in the <BODY> Tag
Paragraph Text
Hyperlink Tag
Text Structures
Horizontal Lines
Unordered Lists
Ordered Lists
Definition Lists
Horizontal Lines
Adding/Aligning Images
More on Background Images

4: More Advanced HTML Programming
Comment Tags
Logical Style Tags
Text Effect Tags
Image Maps
Table Tags
Cell Tags
Appendix; W3C

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Only £35

Our Full Technical and Programming Package

For our full Technical and Programming courseware package, including HTML, is available at a greatly reduced price. For more information about this courseware package, click here.

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Courseware bought on this site is subject to certain terms and conditions. In particular, courseware bought on this site may not be resold, although you may edit, add contact details and branding and distribute to your own staff, students or deligates. For further information, please see our terms of sale.