Programming with C# Courseware
The Courseware Shop offers two courseware levels of Programming with C Sharp courseware, as follows:
Programming with C# Introduction: Five Day Course
Our Programming with C# courseware is designed for training delegates interested to move from C++, Java to Visual Studio .NET to develop Web Based and Windows based Applications can take up this course. Delegates should have a Knowledge of any Object Oriented Languages such as C++ or Java
- Understand the fundamental concepts of .Net Framework.
- To learn the new Development Enviornment in Visual Studio.NET.
- To start programming with C#.
- Understand the use of Base Class, Assemblies, Attributes.
- Database programming with ADO.NET.
- Error Handling in C#.
Courseware Content
1 .Net Framework & Visual Studio .Net Introduction- .NET 3. C# Syntax Data Types
7. Attributes and COM
9. Exercises and Solutions
2. C# Introduction Introduction 4. OOPS – Classes and Inheritance Introduction
Our Technical & Programming Courseware Package
Our Technical & Programming Courseware Package includes Programming with C and is available at a greatly reduce price to purchasing courseware seperately. Click here for more details of this package.Other Related Courseware
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