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Introduction to the Internet using Internet Explorer 6using the internet courseware

Our Internet Explorer Courseware

The Courseware Shop offers Internet courseware, as follows:

Using the Internet with Internet Explorer 6. One Day Courseware.


Delegates will learn how to navigate and use the Internet using Internet Explorer (v6) as their Internet and Intranet Browser. This will include searching, specialist searching and coverage of other Internet features such as newsgroups and forums

Who should attend

Ideally, people who will be using the Internet as part of their work but anyone who wants to familiarise themselves with the benefits and features offered by the Internet. This course is designed for people who use Internet Explorer to browse Internet sites (the WWW) or a company Intranet

Experience Needed

No prior experience of the Internet or IE is expected. A working knowledge of the windows operating system and use of the mouse and keyboard is essential.

Courseware Content

1: The Internet and Internet Explorer (IE)
The History of the Internet
Defining Internet Services
The World Wide Web’s Place on the Internet
What is Internet Explorer
Getting Started with Internet Explorer
The IE Window Summary
The Internet Explorer Toolbar
Navigating or ‘Surfing’
Understanding URLs
Entering a URL in the Location Field
Using Links

2: Advanced use of IE6
Introduction to Internet Search Services
The IE Bookmark Facility – ‘Favorites’
Using Favorite Pages
Downloading Graphics
Downloading Programs
Installing and Running a Downloaded Program
Setting Security Options for Internet/Intranet Browsing
The History feature

3: Advanced Internet Searching
Searching Directories
Searching Search Engines
Filtering Search Results
Advanced Searching
Simple Searching
Keyword Based Searching
Speciality Searching for Specific items/forums
Speciality Searching for Public Databases
Speciality Searching for Domain Names

4: Introduction to Advanced Internet Tools
Introduction to Newsgroups
Using and subscribing to Newsgroups
Mailing Lists
Web forums
Searching Discussion Forums
Introduction to Search Robots
Introduction to Intelligent Agents

Download Using the Internet with IE6 Specification

Only £35

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Courseware bought on this site is subject to certain terms and conditions. In particular, courseware bought on this site may not be resold, although you may edit, add contact details and branding and distribute to your own staff, students or deligates. For further information, please see our terms of sale.

'Microsoft' and 'Intenet Explorer' are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Courseware and training material offered at The Courseware Shop is in no way approved by, endorsed by or connected to Microsoft Corporation.