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The Courseware Shop is dedicated to providing the very best quality courseware in electronic format. We are accountable for our courseware and we are an approachable company who are always willing to answer questions. All courses are supplied complete with the appropriate student exercises and sample files, along with a course overview.

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For training providers who wish to cover a very broad range of training course requirements for a one-time payment of £750 (GBP).

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Includes all the courseware you see on this site. Over 300 fully editable courses, supplied on DVD.

Over 300 Fully Editable IT Training Courses plus free upgrades and new courses for 12 months.

The Courseware Library

Our full Courseware Library includes all courseware from our Office 2007 and Office 2003 packages, as well as our courseware archives as follows:

123 v5 Advanced Excel v2000 Advanced
123 v5 Intermediate Excel v2000 Intermediate
123 v5 Introduction Excel v2000 Introduction
123 v5 Macros Excel v2000 Macros
123 v9.5 Millennium Advanced Excel v2000 Upgrade to
123 v9.5 Millennium Intermediate Excel v4 Advanced
123 v9.5 Millennium Introduction Excel v4 Intermediate
123 v97 Intermediate Excel v4 Introduction
123 v97 Introduction Excel v4 Macros
Access v2 Advanced Excel v5 Advanced
Access v2 Intermediate Excel v5 Intermediate
Access v2 Introduction Excel v5 Introduction
Access v2000 Database Development and Programming Excel v5 Macros
Access v2000 New Features Excel v7 Advanced
Access v2000 User/Designer Advanced Excel v7 Intermediate
Access v2000 User/Designer Intermediate Excel v7 Introduction
Access v2000 User/Designer Introduction Excel v7 Macros
Access v7 Advanced Excel v97 Advanced
Access v7 Intermediate Excel v97 Intermediate
Access v7 Introduction Excel v97 Introduction
Access v7 Upgrade to Excel v97 Macros
Access v97 (Macros and Programming) Introduction FrontPage v2000 Upgrade to
Access v97 Advanced FrontPage v98 Intermediate
Access v97 Intermediate FrontPage v98 Introduction
Access v97 Introduction FrontPage XP; Level 1
Access XP; Level 1 FrontPage XP; Level 2
Access XP; Level 2 Harvard Graphics Introduction
Access XP; Level 3 HTML Fundamentals
Active Server Pages ICDL (version 4; Canada); Module 
Adobe Acrobat4 Introduction ICDL (version 4; Canada);  Module 2
Adobe Acrobat5 Introduction ICDL (version 4; Canada);  Module 3
Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Intermediate/advanced  ICDL (version 4; Canada);  Module 4
Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Intro  ICDL (version 4; Canada);  Module 5
Adobe PageMaker v6 Intermediate ICDL (version 4; Canada);  Module 6
Adobe PageMaker v6 Introduction ICDL (version 4; Canada);  Module 7
Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Introduction ICDL (version 4; USA);  Module 1
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Introduction ICDL (version 4; USA);  Module 2
AmiPro v3.1 Advanced ICDL (version 4; USA);  Module 3
AmiPro v3.1 Intermediate ICDL (version 4; USA);  Module 4
AmiPro v3.1 Introduction ICDL (version 4; USA);  Module 5
Approach v3 Intermediate ICDL (version 4; USA);  Module 6
Approach v3 Introduction ICDL (version 4; USA);  Module 7
Approach v96 Introduction Internet [Using the] with Internet Explorer v5
Approach v97/Millennium; Introduction Internet [Using the] with Internet Explorer v6
ASP.NET and ADO.NET Internet Explorer v3 Fundamentals
Basic Electronics (2 day course) Internet Explorer v4 Fundamentals
C Programming. Introduction to Programming with C. Internet Explorer v5 Fundamentals
C# Programming; Introduction Internet Explorer v6 Fundamentals
C++ Programming. 5-day course. Internet, Searching the; Tools and Techniques
cc:Mail 7 (Windows 95) Fundamentals Java Beans
cc:Mail v2 (Windows) Fundamentals Java Messaging Services
CorelDraw! 10 Introduction Java Programming; Advanced
CorelDraw! V7 Introduction Java Programming; Introduction
CorelDraw! V8 Introduction Java Servlets
CorelDraw! V9 Introduction  
Dreamweaver MX Advanced  
Dreamweaver MX Database Connectivity  
Dreamweaver MX Introduction  
Dreamweaver v3 Advanced  
Dreamweaver v3 Introduction  
Dreamweaver v4 Intermediate  
Dreamweaver v4 Introduction  
ECDL (version 4); Module 1. Basic Concepts of Information Technology.  
ECDL (version 4); Module 2. Using the Computer and Managing Files.  
ECDL (version 4); Module 3. Word Processing.  
ECDL (version 4); Module 4. Spreadsheets.  
ECDL (version 4); Module 5. Databases/Filing Systems.  
ECDL (version 4); Module 6. Presentation.  
ECDL (version 4); Module 7. Information and Communication  
ECDL Advanced Module; Database (AM5) ... Also available for ICDL  
ECDL Advanced Module; Presentations (AM6) ... Also available for ICDL  
ECDL Advanced Module; Spreadsheets (AM4) ... Also available for ICDL  
ECDL Advanced Module; Word Processing (AM3) ... Also for ICDL  
ECDL CAD (Version 1.0) ... Also available for ICDL  

Buy courseware nowBuy our full courseware library for just £750.

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Courseware bought on this site is subject to certain terms and conditions. In particular, courseware bought on this site may not be resold, although you may edit, add contact details and branding and distribute to your own staff, students or deligates. For further information, please see our terms of sale.