Buy Courseware at The Courseware Shop
The Courseware Shop is dedicated to providing the very best quality courseware in electronic format. We are accountable for our courseware and we are an approachable company who are always willing to answer questions. All courses are supplied complete with the appropriate student exercises and sample files, along with a course overview.
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Our Entire Courseware Library
For training
providers who wish to cover a very broad range of training
course requirements for a one-time payment of £750 (GBP).
The Entire Courseware Library
Includes all the courseware you see on
this site. Over 300 fully editable courses, supplied on DVD.
Over 300 Fully Editable IT Training
Courses plus
free upgrades and new courses for 12 months.
The Courseware Library
Our full Courseware Library includes all courseware from our Office 2007 and Office 2003 packages, as well as our courseware archives as follows:
Buy our full courseware library for just £750. |
Restrictions on use of courseware
Courseware bought on this site is subject to certain terms and conditions. In particular, courseware bought on this site may not be resold, although you may edit, add contact details and branding and distribute to your own staff, students or deligates. For further information, please see our terms of sale.